Private Puppy and Dog Training Lessons
I can offer online sessions for people who don’t feel comfortable being face to face. We can utilise Zoom, Facetime, Whatsapp, Skype etc. Please call for further information

General Training Private Lessons
Suitable for dogs of any age, sometimes this is the better option if you can’t commit to a regular weekly class or your dog is not suitable for a group classes.
Sessions are tailored to suit your needs, whether that’s focusing specifically on a particular issue such as recall problems, or whether you just need help with general training e.g teaching your to walk nicely on lead, not to jump up, training a ‘wait’ at the front door, to settle in public areas etc.
Lessons last an hour and can be taken at home (COVID dependent), or out and about in parks around other dogs; we can even train in town to teach your dog to focus on you regardless of the environment. Lessons can be taken in the day, evening or on a Saturday.
These are also a great option to get the children involved, as I can also include tricks and other fun things such as scent games and retrieving.

Puppy Training Private Lessons
Start by having a session before your puppy arrives to make sure you’re all prepared! This session can include what to buy, the first 24 hours, having a plan of action regarding sleeping, feeding and toileting etc. We can address any concerns you may have. These sessions are charged by the hour and can either be taken face to face or online.
If you’ve already got your puppy, an hour session can be held at your home or online. These sessions are really useful to teach you how to entertain a busy puppy before their vaccination schedule has finished and you will learn how to avoid problems early on and not get your puppy into bad habits.
Issues covered can include crate training, play biting, chewing, establishing a routine, toilet training, sleep patterns and basic training.

Rescue Dog Private Lesson
Acquiring a new rescue dog can sometimes be a cause for concern – especially if there is no history attached, as you may not be aware of any issues the dog has. These may not be seen immediately; quite often there is a ‘honeymoon period’ where the dog seems to have accepted their new home easily and then 3-4 weeks down the line, the ‘real’ dog appears!
It is quite common for families to over-compensate for the dog’s past and to want to lavish them with love and affection. This is perfectly understandable but can result in rewarding the wrong behaviours or creating undesirable behaviours such as separation related issues.
I can give advice/suggestions on issues such as how to handle the first few days/nights, establishing routines, toilet training, feeding issues and helping them cope with their new home.

Private lessons: £65 per hour
Please note lessons must be paid for in advance (payment details are found in our T’s & C’s)
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